So the entire month of January was basically devoted to Jeremy Cloe's Liars, Fires, and Bears.

I was 2nd Assistant Director on the shoot. Meaning lots of call sheets and phone calls. I ran out of minutes with 3 weeks til they renew.
It was a very growing experience that left a lot of us absolutely wrecked afterward. And I have a shoot coming up in 9 days. So that's what I've been doing. Finalizing casting. Rewrites. Rewrites. Scouting. Shot list and storyboards. Driving to different states. Rewrites. Trying to find time for class. Rewrites. and more rewrites. The script is finally in a place that I'm completely comfortable with. All I'm sweating on now is one actor's schedule.
Oh and I went to Sundance!
Pictures coming soon.
In the meantime check out In a Better World by the best female director (and one of the best directors in general) in the world, Susanne Bier.
But my to do list is this:
finish storyboards and get them turned into legitimate ones by the amazing Julia Tokuhama. Finalize costuming and design (oops have to make that phone call right now...) cast some of the one liner roles which seem to be already taking care of themselves, and then do a lot of other random things I'm sure I can't think of at the moment.
I've had this script in mind since my junior year of high school so its been evolving for quite some time and I'm extremely excited to direct it.
I confirmed one of my beliefs that casting a professional actor can be hopeless when you haven't had anything already win something substantial. Success breeds further success. I tried casting a youtube celebrity for a cool cameo role but their manager hasn't been the most helpful. It's sad in a way because I fully believe in this script and the people working on it and know it will go places. At the same time the person we have cast instead of that internet celeb is an actor that is absolutely outstanding. I've worked with them before and know that they can bring a lot more to it than if my internet celeb experiment had worked out.
Now I better get back to my Random thoughts outline (Thank you Will Akers!) and storyboarding.

Current read other than textbooks.